Behdad Lahoti

Behdad Lahoti, born in 1355, is a sculptor and an active member of the Sculptor Artists Association of Iran. He has many years of activity as the director and executive secretary of sculpture biennials and expos and events of this kind in his portfolio, while he has worked with Tehran galleries, including Aran, Hedayat, and organized numerous solo and group exhibitions.

During his sculpting activity, Behdad Lahoti has worked and gained experience with a wide range of materials. Although his skill in working with metals has been noticed a lot, he has worked with wood, plaster, resin, ceramics, fabric, etc. in his works.

New construction materials and methods have a special place in Lahuti’s works, and the use of technology and the use of new facilities are other characteristics of his work. This prolific artist has a collection of works and several periods of work in his portfolio, which are different in form and approach, but generally events and social conditions are theological work topics, and the events that happen in the world, the Middle East, wars and news, have a great impact. They put on his works. Behdad Lahoti’s sculptures have attracted the attention of a wide range of art lovers due to their formal and visual beauty and elaborate construction and finishing. Works that fascinate the viewer with their beauty at the first encounter, but at the same time prompt him to think.

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